Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Craft Bag and Hook Case

So, I am terrible at this blog thing. So glad that I never said how often I would post. I have a few things that I have done since I posted last. But the one I decided to talk to you about is my new craft bag and the hook case I made to match.

The bag is fabulous. I am so in love with it. In fact I think the afghan I am woking on may be to big of a project for my bag but I love it to much to go back to my big bag. You can find the pattern HERE.

I made a fabric liner to go in it so that things wouldn't fall through.I am particularity proud of my scissor pocket and pocket for my ergonomic crochet hook.

My new cute bag all finished with my newest project (minus the actual project and the purple).

I also made a cute little hook case to match. It holds everything I need. I make it to match my bag.  You can find the pattern HERE

I changed the front cover a little to match the bag a little better, I simply substituted a row of cross stitches for two rows of singles. I have had the pink rhinestone button for a long time, I am so excited that I found something to use it on.

 If you look close the fabric I used for my liner is under the front cover of the case.

I love how well they match! It makes me happy.

I made a few dust covers for the Cricut machine that I will share with you in the future, I also made a few little changes to my craft room (which I think I mentioned before). As for now, I will end with a sneak preview of my new afghan that I just started.