Friday, January 20, 2012

Favorite Utah Treat

When I was a freshman in high school my parents moved me to tiny but beautiful place called Cache Vally Utah. I hated it at first but I grew to love it. Logan (the main city there) has some really cool local stuff that I miss. I haven't lived there in almost 6 years, although it feels like longer. Anyway. My mom went up for a visit not to long ago and she got me one of my favorite local items and mailed it to me. Root beer milk, now I know the two things that probably instantly come to your mind, who would mail milk? Gossner milk is shelf stable, until it is opened it doesn't need to be refrigerated until it has been opened. Now the other thing you are probably thinking, my husbands exact word when I told him what I was drinking was "nasty"! But if you think about it, it isn't that different from a root beer float. So if you are ever in Cache Vally Utah, pop into either Gossner foods (get some cheese too, yumm) or a Macey's and get some root beer milk, you won't be disappointed!

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